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GPS Auto Solutions
1023 E Vine St Ste A
Lodi, CA 95240
38.1239295 -121.2538108
4.93/5.00 average rating
142 reviews
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You used to be my shop when Adam was there. Kevin is a good replacement. He knows about cars and is good with explaining things. Bob needs some experience. He does not seem to know cars and lacks the empathy you need to have with guys that rely on their vehicles. This is my work truck. I need it back quick. He said he needed to keep it from Friday to Tuesday or Wednesday because he couldn't find the part and no dealer had it in stock. I took my truck to another shop, found the part in Rancho, picked up the part up on Saturday, and got it done Monday for less money.
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1023 E Vine St Ste A
Lodi, CA 95240
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